Thursday, March 10, 2011

Air India : Earns 36 cr a day, Spends 57 cr

The government on Wednesday admitted the financial mess in national carrier "Air India" when it said the airline earns Rs 36 crore a day against an expenditure of Rs 57 crore, a daily loss of Rs 21 crore. Aviation minister   Vayalar Ravisaid in Lok Sabha on Wednesday, "We are paying compulsory payment abroad of Rs 16 crore and committed payment here in India is Rs 20 crore. But the total expenditure comes to Rs 57 crore." 

In fact, buying fuel is becoming a struggle. Till last month, the airline had run up dues
of over Rs 2,280 crore to oil PSUs. "The government has infused Rs 1,200 crore, out of this, we have given Rs 475 crore to oil companies. It is true that Rs 1,900 crore is still pending," he said. 

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